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Chapter #1 - The Rehabilitation Centre

Day 01

I am so exhausted after another busy day at the Rehabilitation Centre, and I feel that I should let people know what is going on.​

In this week alone I have treated a dozen new soldiers who have received life changing injuries due to serving their country and the only treatment available is basis prosthetics. ​

However, I am working hard to change that, but I am finding it increasingly difficult to think positively about their futures due to the nature of their injuries and the trauma they have suffered. ​

Even with the latest prosthetic legs and arms I am frustrated at the lack of funding and up-to-date technology. ​

I have dedicated my life to improving the lives of injured soldiers, but I could achieve so much more if only I was given the opportunity to put my scientific ideas of Artificial Enhancements to good use!​

Hopefully tomorrow will be better...​

Doctor Henry Reknit, signing off


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