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Chapter #6 - Vengeance


Day 51

Is this thing working..?....

Good...&@@+]... it's works.......+!^£....kind of....(\]@\[/

Now, I can tell you the latest update, I have taken refuge in a secret location. I am paranoid that the Government are tracking my movements and I feel my life would be in grave danger if they find me.

The Government sent in its security team to have me forcibly removed from the laboratory. How humiliating after all that I have achieved! However, I did manage to retrieve most of my research projects and all the relevant data. Although, I am devastated that I had to leave my four enhanced soldiers behind, I guess I will just have to create new soldiers that are even more enhanced and weaponised.

What I can tell you is that I am planning my revenge and my masterplan is coming together nicely. I have been developing a virus that can lie dormant until detonated. In minutes it will wipe out the Government and once they are all dead, I can release a new breed of weaponised humans!

I have been recruiting ex-military personnel who have been cast aside by the Government Defence Department and they were more than happy to allow me to create them into an army of enhanced and weaponised soldiers.

I can't wait to begin my revenge; I just need to add the finishing touches....

-- Doctor Henry Reknit, signing off


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